161. These weeks have found me more grateful than ever for the sweet mama the Lord gave me. When I think over my life with her, I remember times of watching the amazing gift of mercy she had for others. I thank the Lord for her gentle spirit. It was beautiful
to watch. For some reason, when I think on the times I saw that particular trait in her life, it brings remembrance of her soft hands.
I remember her holding my hand so many times when I was a little girl and I held her hand this last year of her life. These thoughts remain precious to me.
162. Likewise, the Lord has given me a husband with the same gentle spirit and the same gift of mercy. As I go through life, a completely imperfect person, he chooses to overlook the many ways I know I fail him each day. He so rarely (I don’t even remember the last time!), points out my short-comings but rather uplifts, supports, and loves me. He reminds me, in many ways, of how the Father must love us- constantly overlooking
the ugly spots in our lives. I know we must grieve Him. I know I must grieve Him with my failures. He loves the unlovable.
Paul makes me want to be a better wife. He makes me want to be a better mother. He is a true friend, and a gift from God.
As I celebrate the gift of Christmas with my family, I’m eternally grateful for His gift of mercy- what a blessing.
163. As I write about my mama, and my husband tonight, my little ones are whistling. (REALLY whistling.) Mama taught Emma to whistle and write her name when she was three years old. She had just had back surgery and was recovering in my bedroom. The
children would go and take turns spending time with her in her bed during the day in between her resting. Tonight, I’m listening to Emma telling Jon, Meredith and Darby, “Grandmommy taught me to whistle”. Now she is teaching all of them. Meredith can whistle with the best of them! Darby is giving her best try. They all have big smiles.
My mama left quite a legacy. Not a day goes by when her name is not spoken in my home.
164. I’m thankful for the Lord speaking to me during this season of my life. I woke up at 2 this morning, unable to sleep. I spent a great deal of time in prayer. There were many words, fears, thoughts, hopes for my family and their future. In the midst of my busy day, as I continued to cry out before the Lord, these words were there….
Proverbs 31:25
“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. “
She could have strength and dignity because her faith was in Him who gave her life.
I have held fast to this verse today.
I’m all mushy and teary tonight. It’s just a big love-fest around here. I just thought I would share it with all of you… 😀
Wishing you well during this wonderful Christmas season.
With my love,

And thanks so much for sharing your heart with us. It is always a pleasure to read. Love, love your big happy family!!!