Day: October 30, 2012
Jessica’s Birthday
I remember it being cool the night before Jessica was born. My mom had come to spend the night and stay with our older three children. I was two weeks late with no sign of labor. I do remember telling Mama as we walked through the grocery store that night I didn’t feel like I was even 6 months pregnant,…
Happy Birthday, Jessica!
FIFTEEN?? FIFTEEN?? Oh, surely not. I’ve had to think on this one over and over. My mind just will not wrap around the thought that you are now fifteen years old! It has been a wonderful, beautiful life with you. You make my heart smile, my sweet young woman. I pray that the Lord will bless this year with much…
This Week on Pinterest- Room Deodorizers
I’ve very much enjoyed making our own cleaning and personal products. Following last week’s post on deodorant and toothpaste, we decided to try this recipe for homemade room deodorizers. I happened to have the heart shaped silicon molds. Target almost always has these for a dollar or two in their dollar section at the front of the store. I know…