Summer brings such simple pleasures.
Amongst all the business of growing food, planning for a new school year, home projects, and in our case, bringing home a new baby, there is still time for simple things….

Meredith received a new bottle of bubbles (her first, ever!), for her birthday….

it’s amazing how such a simple thing can be such fun:

I’m feeling a little better these days.
It seems like it’s been practically forever.
I’m seeing all sorts of things that need my attention…it’s hard to sit and rest. 😀
That, speaks volumes.
Thank you so very much for prayers, and letters, and meals.
My family has been overwhelmingly blessed these past weeks.
You all are special, and wonderful, and spoil me terribly!
We (my family and I), appreciate you *so* very much.
I’m posting more recent pictures as I try to catch up on posting:

Blueberries!! Can you believe we have a local man who sells these (pesticide free!) blueberries for $4/gallon!! Yummy!!

My men are making some serious headway on that chicken house/barn:

Paul has off time in the summer months. He and the boys have been spending day after day in this heat to finish before he returns to work.
I’m proud of the work they are doing, but it is nothing compared to the time they are spending together. They laugh and share stories. There is always something new to share over the dinner table each night.
I’m *so very thankful*for the time they are spending together.
Prayer Requests
There have been many things happening in my life these last several weeks. If I could ask you to please remember-
- My Aunt Dot’s children, and their families
- Barbara, her family, and especially her sister
- The Carroll Family- and their new babies
- My continued recovery
I’m sure there are more that I’m just not remembering at this moment….if you need us to add you to our prayer list, please pop me an email!
Today I’m Thankful For
- My older children….they have been a HUGE blessing. Most days, I’ve not had to think about meals or house work…they are done for me while I sit and take care of my little person.
- A two year old who loves to give sweet kisses!
- Phone calls from my Mom each afternoon
- Time with my Paul during this season <3
- Feeling better….
I hope each of you are enjoying time in your homes this week!!
With my love,