This puppy has been A LOT more work than I had anticipated!!
Between “accidents”, howling, barking, jumping on the children, etc., etc., etc., I’ve been wondering what I have gotten myself into…especially just days before the baby is to be born.
We’re learning some things as we go along–

Puppies need a ton of play time!! This little guy will not sit quietly. He’s got more energy than any of my two-year-old’s have ever had!!
Puppies need a schedule. My dear friend, Christy said this yesterday, and we’re finding it to be absolutely the truth!! He is up at a certain time, eats at a certain time, and expects to play each afternoon in the yard with the children.

None of this has been a problem. I guess I was just expecting him to acclimate to our home like the cats have…boy, was I wrong!!!
He’s a smart little guy….we’ve been working to crate train him. Just last night, at 9, he went to potty outside and as he was coming in for the night, Jacob said “go to your crate, Jack”, and he walked right to it and went to sleep for the evening.

So now we need to work on barking and howling. This little guy is supposed to eventually help us protect our chickens. At the moment, if he’s not in the room with us, he’s howling, crying or barking. I’m thinking my neighbors will not like us very much if we put him outside. Any ideas??

He is a cutie!
If you have a Petsmart store nearby, I highly recommend their beginners training classes for dogs. It was well worth the $100 when our dog went through it and very helpful to us too as we knew NOTHING!
We’ve also learned a lot from The Dog Whisperer (Cesar Milan) on the National Geographic channel. You should be able to watch some episodes online and he’s also written some books which should be available at the library.
My husband also suggests that you should read up on his breed type(s). This will help you to know kind of what to expect and how to deal with him.
Hope this of some help!
Glad to see your website….I have been unable to connect to your site for about a week.
I have one daughter that is driving… just have to give it to God. He can be everywhere with them. Pray for them when they are away, and that’s all you can do! You have raised them right and they will be fine.
How long till the baby arrives?
Denise in NC