My pregnancy update- week 5….this is technically week 6, but who’s counting. (…and I’m posting in week 9!)
So, what’s happening in my world?
Well, morning sickness has hit hard. Sunday was the first time. I was at church when hit began to become really awful. I just wanted to lay down in a floor some place and try to sleep it off. Yuck.
This morning, I did something ridiculous. I’ve been trying to keep up with the exercise regimen I’ve been doing for some time (walking a mile and I’m in the middle of the 21 day fix). By the time I finished, I felt nasty and just wanted a shower.
Though I had been drinking water, I hadn’t eaten anything. I woke up at 6. After the exercise, getting the children started on their day and taking a shower, it was 9.
Not my brightest morning. I have paid for that one all day. My stomach STILL feels sick.
I’m going to have to nibble on something when I first wake for the day. I know better…sometimes I just need a reminder to get back into the habit of managing my morning sickness. (For those who don’t know me in person, I have had fairly severe morning/all day/sometimes at night sickness through each of my pregnancies- the ENTIRE pregnancy.)
I have had some limited success from peppermint essential oil and Preggie Pop Drops.

I was a little unsure about the latter. They were fairly expensive, but they do seem to help some.
I don’t want you to think I’m complaining. All this sickness means good things, I know.
I’ve been praying over the things we need to purchase/find before this little one arrives.
I have bought baby’s first socks. Next week, we’re buying onesies. I mentioned in this post that these are some of the ways we work to prepare for babies.

Out of the blue this week, someone has offered us another pack and play and a baby seat- one was an item I knew we were going to need. The other was something I have wanted for a few babies now, but we never found one used in good condition and I wasn’t going to budget for something we would only use for a short time.
It’s amazing how God provides like that!!
I know we will need a second crib. I had gifted our second to our son and his wife for our little grandson. More than the normal months had passed since having Owen and I wasn’t expecting so I didn’t think I would be needing it any longer. God had other plans! So now, we are going to be looking for a second crib.
I’ve been looking for maternity clothing. I can’t stand the maternity clothes being sold in stores and don’t honestly know how women wear them.
Maybe because I am sick to my stomach so much of the time, I just can’t stand for anything to be too tight around my belly. I also think the clothes are so tight fitting and low-cut, they just aren’t modest. I (thankfully), have a few things I’ve found over the years I have really liked. I still have those but I see some sewing in my future.
Again, as the Lord works, McCall’s was having a site-wide $3.99 sale this last week. If you sew, you know this is a HUGE savings. I was able to order some patterns that can I can use to make an entire wardrobe, if I wish.
Grapefruit has become my favorite thing this week. I have no idea why- I don’t usually eat grapefruit but I have REALLY, REALLY wanted it. After buying the small packages of pre-sectioned grapefruit a few times, Paul finally bought me the biggest bottle they make (isn’t he thoughtful?!) so I can eat on it, as I wish.
Everyone here is growing more and more excited by the day.
(If you think on it, would you please consider praying for my friend, Sarah? She lost a baby this week. While I am rejoicing the Lord has allowed me this little one, I realize there are many others hurting.)
Until 10 weeks…