20 Ways to Increase Our Income

Tracy / January 22, 2015

As we’re working on plans for our new year, one of my goals is to work on our home finances.  These are some ideas I’m working for this new year:

20 Ways to Increase Our Income

1. Re-start couponing- set a weekly budget for sales
2. Can and store dried beans
3. Create our own skin care products
4. Plan at least two “stay-in” date nights with Paul each month this year
5. Use things we have to create little gifts for friends and neighbors this year
6. Use the clothesline to dry clothing
7. Make and sell a line of soap
8. Grow and sell herbs
9. Grow our own garden with enough to preserve for my family in the summer
10. Grow our salad greens on back porch
11. Make clothing for our littles from fabric we already own
12. Help Paul launch his Southtek business
13. Learn and help Paul with video transfer jobs
14. Run condensation water to garden to reduce watering costs
15. Purchase and care for hens to lay eggs
16. Make more of our Christmas gifts for family members this year
17. Begin Mommy-blogger programs to review books that will later be added to library
18. Begin secret shopper programs as a no-cost date night program
19. Sell some of my hair bows
20. Preserve extra food for our family each week from grocery shopping trips depending on what is in stock at ALDI’s and SAM’s
21. Continue to make stock from all bones
22. Create homemade easy mixes for our family
23. Begin habit of buying bulk items from Walmart.com

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