Counting the Days

The wedding is only a couple of days away! My family has finished the sewing projects (for the most part!). We have stacks of supplies by the front door ready for transport tomorrow. The children are excited and my thoughts drift so often to Joshua and how the years have passed. I’ll try and update with pictures as time allows.…

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Frozen Night at Chick Fil A

Life isn’t all about the wedding right now. Paul and I took the little girls to see the princesses from Frozen a couple of weeks back:


He’s pretty much adorable.

It’s Been Said…

“Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.”                                                                             —–Nikos Kazantzakis 

It’s Been Said…

“Ah!  There’s nothing like staying home for real comfort.”                                                             —–Jane Austen

It’s Been Said…

“What a gift of grace to be able to take the chaos from within and from it create some semblance of order.”                                                                  —–Katherine Paterson

It’s Been Said…

“Why do we love certain homes, and why do they seem to love us?  It is the warmth of our individual hearts reflected in our surroundings.”                                                                —–T. H.  Robsjohn-Gibbings

Joshua’s Engagement

(I wrote this blog back in May, but things have just been so busy, too busy, to actually post it with the photos.) The days flow by, sometimes like a cool small spring and sometimes like a raging river. I think we’re in one of those raging river kind of seasons. As one day ends and the next begins, we…

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