Yesterday, found me thinking back to December. Things seemed so normal- normal for us, anyway.
Much has happened recently. Things with my mom, and with my children. Paul hasn’t been home more than a day- he was home for all of 18 hours yesterday.
I guess I’m not complaining, I’m maybe just tired.
I find myself, at this point, just trying to focus on the day, not the entire situation.
If the truth be known, when I stop to write, I’m probably also crying. It’ s all a great deal to think about.
Thank you to the many folks here who are praying, and sending notes of encouragement. I appreciate you dearly.
So, this is where today (Friday) finds all of us.
Paul, is in South Carolina this morning. Next week, we’re hoping to have him home a little more. Everyone has missed him. His work schedule has been heavy this season.
We’re all ready for him to be home with us for a while.
I’m trying to clean house and finish the floor we’ve started (Jacob has really done most all of the work with me supervising). I’ll post more about this in a later posting.
Laundry, laundry, laundry is the order of the day. I have quite a bit to catch up….laundry is part of the normal rhythm of our life. It’s oddly nice.
My mom is doing well, considering.
She has good days, and bad. This past Saturday and Sunday were rough. I thought we would be better by Monday and Tuesday, based on what we were hearing, but it was really not much better. She was light-headed. Wednesday, she did seem some better better. We decided that since her “quarantine” time would be over, it might be nice to go and visit my grandmother before her doctor appointment on Thursday.
Thursday morning, she seemed good- we went to run some errands. She began to feel light-headed again, so I went on to the doctor’s office. They weighed her and took her blood. Though her blood work came back normal, and actually good, she had lost 8lbs. This will bring her to more than 40lbs lost since before her surgery. They thought the weightloss might be causing her dizziness. We have had her on the ketogenic diet. I figured she would lose weight, but this is really too fast. Today, we’re working on increasing what she is eating. She’s eaten so little every day since her initial surgery. She always says her stomach just doesn’t feel normal and she doesn’t feel like eating much. We stopped by Whole Foods yesterday on the way home to pick up some additional things she might use for snacking.
After her appointment, we went to visit my grandmother. Mama was concerned what my grandmother might think of her hair (we were told it will all come out after her second treatment). When she walked in, Grandmother immediately told her how cute it was and continued to comment on it while we were there. There was even a nurse that came in to tell her how nice she looked! I think it made her feel better.
We had a nice visit with my Grandmother, and with my aunt. It was hard sitting there with my mom so sick, my aging grandmother, and my aunt. I found myself feeling blessed to have that time with all of them.
Mama was tired…she gets tired more easily right now, I think. She’s been napping quite a bit these past weeks.
Today, she’s in the family room with the children. She’s wiping down toys with Clorox wipes….she’s been so sweet to help with these types of things as she’s come to visit in recent months. She’s asking for her knitting project and trying to find ways to help. I hope she continues to feel this good until our next treatment on April 4th. I think it’s a nice break for her.
Thank you for asking about her, and about me. How can I ever thank so many of you? ….I’m overwhelmed with gratitude.
I told Paul just yesterday that I have the very *best* friends. I love all of you.
“Yet I am always with you;
you hold me by my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward you will take me into glory.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:23-26