O.K. friends! After hearing so many of you raving about your homemade detergent, I’m taking the plunge.
I picked up some Zote soap and got the boys to work, grating.

(Meredith watched.)
Next, I mixed a cup each of washing soda and borax.

According to what I’ve read, I should only need 1T of detergent for each load of laundry.
Do you know how much money this will save our family??
My washer runs ALL DAY…and sometimes ALL NIGHT.
We are GAIN people. I’ll admit, I will miss the GAIN. I’m a GAIN girl. I could bury my head in a fresh load of warm laundry on a cold day.

Even still, my budget (and probably my family’s health), likes this idea much better.
I’ll let you know how it works for our family!!
One quick question….do any of you scent your soap with essential oil?
Thanks, ladies!

I use essential oils in my laundry! I usually don’t add it to the detergent mixture, but as I’m washing. Lemon in my whites and tea tree in towels, clothing/linens that come from thrift stores, and also in loads when we have ‘sickies’ in the house. I know several people who use lavendar, but I’m allergic.
I like the liquid version of the detergent better than the dry, but that’s just my personal preference, because I don’t like it when dry detergents clump.
I love doing laundry! I always get such a feeling of accomplishment load-by-load 🙂
So far, I’ve not had “clumping” issues. I have been tempted to try the liquid, but so far, I like the powder. I do think the liquid might stretch further. Would you mind telling me how much tea tree and lemon you add??