While We Were Away….

Saturday afternoon, a quick “little” storm blew through.

The children called to tell us the power was off and they were going to the basement.

We had suffered minor tree damage during the recent tornado activity in our state. Time had not yet allowed us to clean up those trees…looks like we’ll be making time.

Saturday’s storms left us with this:

We’re thankful no one was hurt!!

2 thoughts on “While We Were Away….

  1. So glad no one was hurt! Doesn’t it make you just smile from ear-to-ear when your children are mature enough to know what to do in circumstances like that? Although it means they are growing up . . . too fast!

    Just from the experience of living on 6+ acres, we have a continual supply of firewood! It seems like a new tree is falling constantly. Rack it up to life skills and your boys will be efficient at cutting, splitting and stacking wood. If you don’t use the wood for a fireplace or a campfire, it’s a good summer income if you live near a campground!

    1. I’m glad you said that, Barbara. I was beginning to wonder if there was something horribly wrong with the ground here….I just can’t believe all the trees. We were, btw, planning on installing some kind of wood burning heat source this fall. Paul is planning to create a wood shed on one side of the new chicken house. We are just going to have a head start on our firewood supply. The boys are all out cleaning and cutting today. Hopefully, it will look a little better before the end of the week. Our days of work are being cut a little short with all these trips to the doctor with the baby, but we’ll get there eventually. How are you this week? Have you all gotten moved?

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