We’ve been feeling a little rough the last couple of weeks.
I believe would be easy to feel frustrated with work we are missing, and time spent doing other things than what we’ve planned. In truth, it’s a good time to slow down and just rest.
Today, Paul is home and with the little boys just spending time. That’s always fun for them….they ask so many questions and tell him all their latest happenings. It’s fun to just sit quietly in the room to listen to all the excitement!
The girls and I have had some “girl time” out recently too! Emma had her first experience at a McDonald’s playground. Meredith learned to dip her french fries into the little paper cup of ketchup. In the end she was much more daring than Emma who wasn’t sure she wanted to go up and play…Meredith would have taken off as fast as her little legs would have carried her. That first climb was just too much for such short legs, I’m afraid.
We never eat at McDonald’s. This was a treat. Having the girls along for morning errands was a really big treat!