Welcome to Lines From The Vine.
I'm Tracy. I'm glad you have stopped by to visit!
I'm a Christian homemaker, and homeschooling mama to 14 precious blessings.
I enjoy reading, homesteading, diy projects, fried green tomatoes, all things crafting/needlework/ related.


Our Homeschool Curriculum:

Thank you for sharing your family with all of us once again. I only recently acquired internet service at home and your site is one of the first I visited.
What a sweet spirit I feel when dropping by.
Thank you, Denise! I’m so glad you drop by to visit from time to time. I hope you all are enjoying winter. Did you get hit by all the ice and snow we’ve had??
Yep, getting snow again today, but not ice……yet.
And, we had a white Christmas! It was wonderful!
I live in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns, so snow is not very rare………..but a white Christmas was very rare.
Take care and stay warm!