Warmer days mean we can finally make some of the various things left in this house work for us!
We decided to set up a yard sale (our first ever!). A few friends brought their children over to help and this is the result:

Believe it or not, almost everything here came from just three rooms.
Needless to say, we’re glad to see it go!
I think my favorite is this:

It still has all it’s original feet and the soap dish- so beautiful!
I keep mentioning that we’re busy just cleaning out. After five months of just trying to empty what was left here, this is still our basement:

At some point, I’ll have to post the “before” pics. There were literally paths cut through so many things just stacked and stacked.
We have taken literally tons of trash to the county dump and to the recycling center. We have had almost weekly visits from the thrift store- the smallest load having been 22 boxes.
It’s unbelievable what has been removed from this house- and we only have the basement and the backyard left.
This morning, this is the trash stack:

This is the metal recycling stack: