Hello everyone, My name is Joshua Lambert. I am posting for Mom today.
As I was looking out the window today I saw our clothes hanging out on the line, then when I looked up……I saw rain clouds.

Now I don’t know if you read Mom’s posting about the time when we had laundry hanging up. I thought I would share my side of what happened.
Courtney and I were doing web work when I heard thunder. At first, I didn’t think anything about it, when I decided to look out the window I saw rain drops, and our laundry!
Courtney and I jumped out of our seats grabbing the baskets and dashing to get the clothes off the line…..we were soaked!
Now, as I continue to look out the window, I see those clothes and just laugh!
Prayer Requests
My friend, Zach, has just come out of surgery. Please pray that he will be feeling better.
That our family businesses will grow and flourish.
Today I’m Thankful For
My wonderful family.
This wonderful day that the Lord has blessed us with.
Some wonderful Book Strings that Scotlyn made for us.
And for my mom being brave enough to let me post on her blog!
Joshua’s Task
Well, actually, I have a couple of tasks. They are as follows:
I would like to get some more school done today.
I also want to get my zones clean.
And this is the hardest…
Finish deep cleaning my room. It makes everyone feel better when the boy’s bedroom is clean!!!
What I’m Learning
2 year old’s can have a VERY STRONG will!
While we were eating lunch, Benjamin tells me he wants to wear his Bob the Builder pajama pants. Benjamin was already dressed, so I told Benjamin he could wear them when he went to bed tonight….not 10 minutes later he walks into the living room with his Bob the builder pants on. It’s a lot of fun being in a big family!!!
Today’s Scripture Meditation
Earlier this morning, for copy work, Mom told me to find something to copy. The first thing that came to mind was the fruits of the spirit passage!
Galatians 5:22-23
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
Joshua posting for,