I‘ve taken the plunge. My first “for sale” item is now listed on EBAY…item number 180009060191 is the first dress that I’ve made to sell.
I have had experience selling some smaller items so I’m interested to see how this one turns out.
The dress took me a little longer than I was expecting but I think it turned out well! Even if it doesn’t sell, Ms. Emma will have a new dress in a couple of months (she can wear it now, but it’s still a little too big).
Today, I’m posting the second dress…this time, a long sleeved one. I think I’m going to sit on these auctions and see how they do before I post any more. Either way, it’s exciting to me to help moms, even if in some little way, to be able to provide modest clothing for their little girls.
It should be a big day for us with one of our other businesses. Paul has an appointment to speak with a potential investor, our business mentor and the Birmingham Business Incubator Program. I’m not expecting anything to change *today* but it is yet another crucial step in the process. We are inching our way forward, but boy(!), it takes so long to get things started. Sometimes I find myself growing really impatient.
He has been really busy…he’s working on creating an archive for this site as well as having just added the “Send This Posting To A Friend” button at the top of the page.
Prayer Requests
Paul’s meetings will go well today.
Kimberly Greenlaw’s Dad has some additional testing to go through.
The Fuchs Family has some upcoming medical things that they are dealing with.
For our scout planning meeting on Thursday night (I know that this is small in comparison to some, but we would like to plan the best year possible for our scouts).
Today, I’m Thankful For
A good night’s sleep!
Seeing some projects that we’ve been working on coming to an end
My dear friends
Hitting the 2000 visitors mark on Lines From The Vine!! Woohoo!! : )
My joyful Jacob. He is a child that would have been labeled in a public school and probably placed on medication. I’m so grateful to the Lord, that He allows me to home school and work with Jacob. He is such a happy and very intelligent young man. I can’t wait to see where the Lord will lead his life.
Tracy’s Task
I’ve been really working on the Proverbs 31 model of having some type of small income that I can in turn, invest in my family. My goal today is to further develop the ideas for this. I’ll share more as I get my thoughts together!
What I’m Learning
How shall I begin this? Hmmmmm. First, let me say that my home is not flooded.
I noticed late last week that the bolt that holds our toilet down on one side in the children’s bathroom had come out. I have no idea how this occurred but it was on one side and I was thinking Paul could come home and fix it that evening.
As I’m sure you well know, sometimes life gets really busy around here and with the hot water heater needing to be changed out it is something that slipped my mind.
When I went in to clean up yesterday, I reached over to begin wiping it down and it tilted!! The toilet, the entire toilet tilted away from me! I know, I know, it’s that bolt that holds it to the floor but I didn’t think that one bolt would make that big of a difference….and normally it doesn’t, but when I looked over at the other bolt, the toilet around it is totally busted.
My lesson for today is this: when or if you ever see a bolt off or even coming loose….Don’t walk, RUN!, to your nearest hardware center.
My hubby’s lesson (actually he’s done it once before in the other bathroom) will be in installing a new toilet (sorry, honey!). These things always seem to come in abundance in our home. UGH!
Today’s Scripture Meditation
Praise God!!
Rom 6:22-23
“But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
That I might walk on His path today,