I had the privilege of speaking for a while with my dear friend, Maribel, yesterday.
I already owned the book but it was a first glance at her square foot garden that really gave me the “itch” to have a couple of my own.
We’re still learning. I’m sure it’s going to be a life long process but I’m looking forward to it.
Today’s picture is the trellis that Paul built for my garden. Made of iron pipe, I wove and tied the mesh netting to support our growing veggies. So far, I’ve been really pleased.
I’m glad to say that we’ve finally updated our “What’s In My Totebag” section of the web site. It’s taken some time….Courtney and Joshua both worked on the new updates…I’m really impressed with the skills they are learning this summer. They have both taken on projects that were challenging…last night found them seated in front of the computer with their Dad learning how to create online “contact us” forms, make tables and shortcuts to creating buttons.
They are hoping that their new found skills will allow them to further work on our web pages and start web based businesses of their own.
I’m still working on the sewing projects that I’ve started. One is a surprise…I’ll post a picture Friday…my Mom’s birthday gift (Mom if you read this…no peeking!!). The other projects are all dresses that I’m going to put up for sale on EBAY and see how they do (I’m hoping that this, in itself, brings yet another web page project!). My family has had a *VERY* difficult time locating modest clothing this summer…we would love to earn a little extra income sewing dresses, aprons and other necessities for women.
Prayer Requests
The Blackwell family has been a little under the weather this week. Please pray for a quick recovery for them.
My brother in law, Scott, will be starting a new job next week.
Paul has an appointment with the Birmingham Business Incubator Program next week. Please pray that all goes well.
The Greenlaw’s have had continuing illness in their family the last couple of weeks. Yesterday found little Hannah running a slight temperature.
Today, I’m Thankful For
Good Friends! I love getting to “chat” with some of them through the “Lines” Yahoo Groups and I love unexpected phone calls from some of them in the afternoons. I feel so blessed that the Lord put these women in my life!
Ice-cold, filtered drinking water on a hot Alabama afternoon.
The blessing of eating at the dinner table at night. As simple as this sounds, I’m so glad to look around the table and see this wonderful family that the Lord has been so good to give me.
The watermelon plants are now sporting little blooms…does this mean that delicious fruit might be around the corner??
Everyone seems to be starting their day in a great mood…I’m glad….just wait until they see the list of things we need to get done today!! : )
Tracy’s Tasks
There are some great fabric and craft supply sales right now….this is definitely the right time to start thinking towards needed items for holiday craft/gift projects.
What I’m Learning
In the continuing adventures of our current two year old:
A two year old armed with a water gun at 7 in the morning can wreak havoc on an un-expecting teenager, just ask Courtney.
A two year old armed with a water gun pretty much any time of the day can wreak havoc on anyone.
Thanks again, Mom!!!! : )
Today’s Scripture Meditation
Jude 1:20-25
“But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear– hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh. To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy–to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.”